Evening Rent Well

We are offering two evening options for Rent Well. We have two to choose from: Wednesday PM – 6:00pm – 9:00pm October 8th through November 12th Saturday PM – 5:00pm – 8:00pm October 11th through November 15th Future Classes: Our next classes...

Moving this summer?

If you are thinking about moving this summer, you want to also be thinking “how can I get my deposit back?” Easy, right? Not so fast – there is a bit more to it than just cleaning up before you move.  Learn what simple things anyone can do to get all...

Latest Fishing Expedition

I got the following email this morning. At first I was excited, I am planning a trip and this was a nice reminder…but wait…there is something not quite right here. Did you spot what’s wrong? No? Look again. Still nothing? So here is what I see wrong...

Jury Award $18.6 Million for Credit Report Errors

A jury recently awarded an Oregon woman $18.6 million after she spent years unsuccessfully trying to get Equifax Information Services to fix major mistakes on her credit report. Julie Miller of Marion County, who was awarded $18.4 million in punitive and $180,000 in...
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